RavenWing Army 40k Dark Angels

 My Ravenwing Army. With converted Charakters and Black Knights / RavenWing Command Squad. Lots of Bikes & Bikers, Landspeeders, Sammuel on Speeder, Landspeeder Shroud & my Nephilim / Dark Talon Flyer  for Warhammer 40k.

I made custom Green Stuff Robes for the Black Knights that had no Robes. Take a peace of Green Stuff. Press it flatt onto backingpaper (so you can renmove it later) and cut out a tringal shape. Ater 30 mins of drying attach it to the model pic1. and sculpt some folleds to make it look like cloth pic2..

If you want to see more Space Marine conversion check out my other VIDEOs on my channel

If you need Green Stuff or other Tools check out these links

UK   http://goo.gl/NLbsrM
DE   http://goo.gl/305EDw
ITA  http://goo.gl/szcQSM
FR   http://goo.gl/kuM5gd
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